Other exercises for carpal tunnel

Here are some other FREE exercises for carpal tunnel that can help you develop wrist and hand strength as well as flexibility.

Remember from carpal tunnel anatomy how all our forearm muscles have tendons, these tendons must squeeze through the carpal tunnel "ring" along with the median nerve. When this nerve gets compressed you can then get carpal tunnel symptoms and eventually you may get carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

You don't need to "build up" or make your tendons bigger with heavy weights, but you should keep them toned and flexible and that's what these exercises for carpal tunnel do!

Wrist strengthening:

If you don't have barbells in the smaller weight sizes, you can use a bag of beans or box of pasta. Just be sure it is not so large that you have an awkward grip. Your best grip size can be determined by placing the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb.

It is best to perform the following carpal tunnel exercises with your elbows bent 90 degrees and the forearm should be supported.

Begin with a 1 or 2 lb weight and progress as follows:

(i.e. 1 set = 10 repetitions with the 1 lb weight).

1 set of 10, with 1 lb, 2 sets of 10 with 1 lb, 3 sets of 10 with 1 lb.

1 set of 10 with 2 lbs, 2 sets of 10 with 2 lbs, 3 sets of 10 with 2 lbs.

1 set of 10 with 3 lbs, 2 sets of 10 with 3 lbs and so on.

You should be able to perform the exercises without difficulty before you go on to the next stage. You should do these carpal tunnel exercises in a slow controlled manner...I count 1,000 one, 1,000 two when bending or curling wrist upwards and the same when going back down.

Diagram showing how to perform certain wrist exercises

Hand strengthening suggestions:

Exercises for carpal tunnel can also be used to make the hand stronger and increase your grip strength and improve your circulation.

1. Squeeze a small rubber ball.

Begin with a soft one and gradually increase to a ball that gives more resistance. Don't do too much at once. Begin with 5 minutes and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. When you increase resistance of the ball, start back with 5 minutes and gradually build up your time again.

2. Fill a bucket or kitchen sink with cold water (50-60 degrees) and squeeze a sponge under the water.

Again, begin with a soft one and gradually increase to a sponge that gives more resistance. Don't do too much at once. Begin with 5 minutes and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. When you increase the resistance of the sponge, start back with 5 minutes and gradually build up your time again. IF you have arthritis you will need to use warm water not cold!

3. Fill a bucket or box with sand. Insert hand into the sand.

Begin with your fingers in a fisted position, straighten your fingers slowly, then spread them apart. Begin with 3 minutes and gradually build up your time as your strength improves. Be sure to have your wrist in a comfortable position during this carpal tunnel exercise

The prayer stretch:

I have shown you some great exercises for carpal tunnel that were developed by occupational healthcare providers. Below you will find a very tried and tested stretching exercise for carpal tunnel.

This exercise will help to increase the flexibility of your wrist and fingers. You may feel a pulling sensation, this is normal. 

You should not feel pain. 

Place your hands together from the heels of your palm to your fingertips. Raise your elbows so that your forearms are horizontal to the floor. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and repeat 5 times, 2 or 3 times a day. This is great to do at a computer terminal too! 

Diagram of a person doing a wrist-stretching exercise

Click here for other free exercises for carpal tunnel. Click here for carpal tunnel exercises that physical therapists use. Tendon glide exercises, and Nerve glide exercises

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